2017 - Package R ImaginR Delimit and Characterize Color Phenotype of the Pearl Oyster
Published in CRAN, 2017
Recommended citation: Stenger, P. L. (2017). "Package R ImaginR: Delimit and Characterize Color Phenotype of the Pearl Oyster" CRAN. https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/ImaginR/ImaginR.pdf
The pearl oyster, Pinctada margaritifera (Linnaeus, 1758), is one of the only bivalves expressing a large varied range of inner shell color, and by correlation, of pearl color. This phenotypic variability is partly under genetic control, but also under environmental influence. This R package allow to to delimit and characterize their color variations (by the HSV color system) with pictures.
Recommended citation: Stenger, P. L. (2017). "Package R ImaginR: Delimit and Characterize Color Phenotype of the Pearl Oyster" CRAN. 1(1).