2017 - First data on three bivalve species exposed to an intra-harbour polymetallic contamination (La Rochelle, France)
Published in Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, 2017
Recommended citation: Breitwieser, M., Viricel, A., Churlaud, C., Guillot, B., Martin, E., Stenger, P. L., ... & Thomas-Guyon, H. (2017). "First data on three bivalve species exposed to an intra-harbour polymetallic contamination (La Rochelle, France)." Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology.. http://ac.els-cdn.com/S1532045617300467/1-s2.0-S1532045617300467-main.pdf?_tid=95d450da-2944-11e7-8f90-00000aacb362&acdnat=1493076200_7fb6e69e9b1793f17049dc23dae9817d
Evaluating diffuse sediment contamination in the environment is a major concern with the aim of reaching a good chemical and ecological state of the littoral zone. In this study the risks of chronic chemical contamination and consequences in the bivalves Crassostrea gigas, Mytilus sp. and Mimachlamys varia were evaluated in coastal environments. The objective here was to understand the anthropological phenomena that affect the functioning of themarina of La Rochelle (semi-closed environment). Harbours seeking ecomanagement accreditations (such as the international reference ISO 14001) constitute zones of interest to implement biomonitoring studies. The biological effects of chemical pollution in the Marina of La Rochelle were studied to develop a multi-biomarker biomonitoring approach on specific marine species of this site. Moreover, a genetic (DNA barcoding) approach was applied to validate the species identity of collected bivalves. Of the three species tested the scallop, M. varia, was the most sensitive to metal exposure.
Recommended citation: Breitwieser, M., Viricel, A., Churlaud, C., Guillot, B., Martin, E., Stenger, P. L., … & Thomas-Guyon, H. (2017). "First data on three bivalve species exposed to an intra-harbour polymetallic contamination (La Rochelle, France)." Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology.. 1(1).